Sukhpreet Singh
Appointment Scheduling Web Application
Medical Students within our university need to take clinic session, It benefits them as introducing paperless workflow, open availability, easy to use and share their personalised profiles with others.
Academic Management System
Full-Stack Nextjs Application built for management of multiple classroom, with aim to provide features like attendance assignment and faculty management etc.
Prior Jobs
Founding Software Developer
Bhuman Full-time Remote Work March 2022 - July 2022 5 MonthsDuring my time at Bhuman, I was responsible for the front-end development of the application. Working within a remote startup environment was an enriching experience. The task Assigned to me was aimed to create multiple clones from one video to personalize it for their audience, making them feel like it's just recorded for them, and improving engagement and retention. For Which in-built video editor, CSV editor and integrating them with Rest APIs are all done by us.
YouTube Videos
SEO in Astro
Understanding how to define SEO efficiently in Astro, helps you with better search indexing of your website, also going to cover how to built a SEO Astro Component
Layouts in Astro
Understanding how to use layout efficiently in Astro, helps you with better structuring of your codebase allowing you to leverage same structure, optimising for SEO and producing a more maintainable website along with you can use it as entry point for loading third party script, across your website!